The first hawaiian board game
ʻĀina Organizations
Higher Ed
Farmers/ Conservationists
Game Overview
Alternate Futurism, Environment, Education
After years of being colonized by a foreign entity, this small island community overcomes this occupation and is anxious to return to their land and resources. However, upon the return of their land, they are despairingly greeted with altered ecosystems and degraded soils, all of which once thrived. The island community now must work together to restore their ʻāina in the present, using remembered ancestral knowledge from the past with the ultimate goal of rebuilding an abundant and resilient future.
Players recover plants and seeds to revitalize and diversify their resources, as they compete with invasion of weeds and other adversities such as unpredictable weather patterns. Players will work collaboratively to rebuild their communities by supporting the elements of culture that are fundamentally shaped by their relationships to plants.
Game Features
Modern and traditional ecological concepts are synergized into lessons which elicit the beauty and wholesomeness of Hawaiʻiʻs ecosystems.

ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi
Game terminology is written in Hawaiian Language to help players build the connection between game concepts.

Plant Knowledge
Players access basic plant information, such as water requirements and functionality.

Hawaiian Moon Phases
Each round is led by a Hawaiian moon phase, which dictates what players are able to plant.

Soils in Hawaiʻi
Each community is distinguished by their soil type, which also dictates where players are able to plant.
Pre-Sale has Concluded!
We have sold our first 100 games in the pre-sale.
Stay tuned for our next crowd sale, coming soon.
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The game can also be purchased through our game publisher, at a higher price. Visit the link below to get your copy of the game today.
Game Objective
Hahai no ka ua i ka ululāʻau
The rain follows the forest
Water is our main source of wealth, thus it is our objective to restore the plants of our land and bring back the rains to avoid famine before 30 moon phases.

Lāʻau | Plant Cards
To restore ʻāina, we must plant lāʻau. Each lāʻau card contains information relevant for planting, which include relationship to soil, water requirements, and functionality. Lāʻau type is useful for trading mulch to protect our lāʻau, water, and soil resources.
Mahina | Moon Cards
Mahina dictates which lāʻau are successful during certain phases. When we plant under the correct mahina phase, we are deepening our connection with lāʻau. Each mahina starts a new day, or round. There are a total of 18 rounds. We are able to plant on an unproductive day, however if the description states, “no planting,” there is absolutely no planting allowed.

Lepo | Soils of the Tropics
Player moku are separated by lepo type. Lepo determine where lāʻau can grow. The colors bordering the lāʻau cards represent the different lepo on the board. If a color is not highlighted, the lāʻau cannot grow in that given lepo.
join our ʻohana
The Vegetation Continuum has launched a social platform to share insights with our gaming community. Sign up is simple and free to join! We would love to hear your feedback on the game, including what you love or didnʻt love, suggestions for improvements or additions, and sharing ideas for new games to create! A hui hou!
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Subscribe to the vegetation continuum newsletter to stay up to date with our progress and further game updates. We are working on building expansion packs for our base game, as we move into the next phase of development. Stay tuned!